Fire Department

515 W. Kimberly Ave.
Kimberly, WI  54136
Phone – 920-788-7500 Ext. 120
Email –

Emergency: Dial 911

Employment Opportunities

The Village of Kimberly Volunteer Fire Department is accepting applications for Fire Chief.  Applications will be accepted until 4 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 and will be accepted electronically by sending to or at the Village Clerk’s Office, 515 W. Kimberly Avenue, Kimberly, WI 54136.  

The Village of Kimberly Volunteer Fire Department and Emergency Medical Response Teams are hiring.  Stop by the Municipal Complex to grab a paper copy OR complete the application electronically and email to Kimberly Fire Department at

Firefighters for Fireworks

The Kimberly Fire Department continues to bring the tradition back to the Village of Kimberly by raising money to bring the annual 3rd of July Fireworks display to our community. Anyone interested in contributing to this fund raising effort, can drop off your donations at the Kimberly Village Clerks Office or mail your check to:  Firefighters for Fireworks, 515 W. Kimberly Avenue, Kimberly, WI 54136.

Watch as the fund raising thermometer adjacent to the Kimberly Fire Department GROWS.

The 2021 Event was the best one yet!  Check out the Kimberly Fire/Rescue Facebook page for event updates and announcements and view the event poster here.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

There is an increased awareness about the dangers of (CO) Carbon Monoxide.

Remember! CO is an odorless, silent killer.  The symptoms include sudden flu like symptoms by all members of the household.  Every home should include a CO detector, even if you have your furnace inspected annually.  If you think you have a CO problem, dial 911.

Sometimes residents hesitate to call the fire department if they have a small fire or a problem that the fire department can assist with.  THERE IS NO CHARGE for any fire department service.  Don’t let embarrassment delay a call that could mean the difference between a minor or major problem.

Open Burning Ordinance 270-8

Purpose: This section is intended to promote the public health, safety and welfare and to safeguard the health, comfort, living conditions, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Village of Kimberly due to the air pollution and fire hazards of open burning, outdoor burning and refuse burning.  The full up to date ordinance can be located here.