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Winter Information
Warning Notice
Per Village ordinance 430-10, it is unlawful to deposit snow or ice (from shoveling or snow blowing) onto Village streets, alleys, or sidewalks. Depositing snow onto Village streets or alleys not only causes added expense for snow clean up, but also creates hazardous driving conditions. Because of the severity of this violation, the Village of Kimberly is being forced to issue this warning in an attempt to curb the violations presently occurring.
PLEASE NOTE: A second violation will result in a citation and fine of $55.00 issued by the Metro Police Department.
According to Chapter 430-10 snow and ice removal (revised and adopted January 23, 2012), of the Village of Kimberly Code of Ordinances: “The owner, occupant or person in charge of any parcel or lot which fronts upon or abuts any sidewalk shall keep said sidewalk clear of all snow and ice. In the event of snow accumulating on said sidewalk due to natural means and/or ice within twenty-four (24) hours from the time the snow ceases to accumulate on said sidewalk. Sidewalks are to be kept clear of snow and ice to a minimum of five (5) feet in width. In the event that ice has formed on any sidewalk in such a manner that it cannot be removed, the owner, occupant or person in charge of the parcel or lot which fronts upon or adjoins said sidewalk shall keep the sidewalk sprinkled with material to accelerate melting or prevent slipping. No written or verbal notice will be given to violators – it is the responsibility of the owner of such parcel or lot which fronts upon or abuts any sidewalk to maintain the sidewalk area throughout the snow season. Any snow not cleared by the owner, occupant or person in charge of any parcel or lot which fronts upon or abuts any sidewalk shall be cleared by the Village and billed to the owner, lessee, or occupant.
Snow and Ice Not to Encroach. No person shall push, shove or in any way deposit any snow or ice onto any public streets, alleys, sidewalks, or land dedicated to public use.
Anyone unable to clear the corner is asked to put a path in each direction of the crosswalk. The remainder of the snow will be removed as soon as time permits.
Winter Parking Ban
Village ordinance prohibits parking on any Village Street or in any municipal parking lot from 2:00 AM – 6:00 AM, December 1st thru April 1st.
This ordinance is established to assist with potential snow removal. Metro Police Department may grant permission for on street parking if snow is not predicted in the forecast. Just fill out the form to receive notification if permission is granted or denied due to a winter weather event.
Winter Refuse Collection
During winter months, garbage & recycling polycarts shall not be placed on top of the snow banks, nor shall it be placed in the roadway. Residents must either shovel out an area behind the curb or driveway in which to place their polycarts.
Fire Hydrants
Anyone with a fire hydrant near their property is asked to help keep the snow
cleared from around it
Please adapt for winter driving. The greatest cause of winter accidents is “driving too fast for conditions.” Please take enough time to slow down and stop, and remain at least 200 feet behind snowplows and spreaders.
Salt Barrels
The salt barrels located in the Village are for emergency use on the streets only, and not for residential use.